Friday, January 25, 2013

Last Day Reflections.

  • What did I learn about photography?
    • Firstly, in this class I learned how to properly use the "fancy" camera we have at home. Before this class I wasn't able to adjust many of the settings, now I am able to adjust the self-timer, shutter speed, ISO, and many more the the settings. I never took the time to identify the different controls and how they affect the final photo, but now I know how the different settings and adjustments to the camera can make a photo differ. An example of shutter speed is the light writing; before I was assigned the extra credit, I thought the process was immensely complicated, but a few simple adjustments to the camera's shutter speed and intake, the process became suddenly extremely easy. This class also helped me learn a lot about photoshop, something i've wanted to do for a while.

  • What did I learn about myself?
    • I learned that I have a unique look on things, my personality reflects in my photos in a way different than others. I realized that even though something may be easy and simple, it can become something extraordinary that takes an affect on others. I also decided I like the use of photoshop in some cases. I can easily remember the way to "re-develop" a photo by editing, another sign that I like it. The most important thing this class taught me was the hidden beauty found in just about everything.

  • What do I wish we had done?
    • I wish we spent more time and projects developing photos in the dark room. One of the reasons I took this class was to learn how to better use a film camera, and to learn to develop. I really enjoyed the phone-developing project because it gave you the opportunity to use any photo you like. 

  • Struggle?
    • I struggled with the different techniques of taking photos; I was afraid of the the picture may turn out, and if it would ruin a potentially good one. The project I struggled the most with was the blur project, the setting of the shutter speed became a struggle for me because I was never sure if it was correct or not, although now I know there never really is a correct and incorrect setting.

  • What did I conquer?
    • I developed photos as well as learned the techniques of photoshop. I was able to take photos in way I would have avoided before. I also learned the many techniques of taking photos, slowly becoming more and more comfortable with them.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Most aren't perfect but this blur project helped me understand the concept and importance of shutter speed. Firstly, I learned how to set the shutter speed on my camera, which turned out to be easier than expected. Shutter speed and ISO are an interesting way to be able to add a different style to your photos.
(*My attempt at..*) Panning


Wednesday, January 9, 2013


                     Direct Lighting:



In this light project i had a difficult time with the silhouettes. Trying to recreate the natural sunlight that created this unique shadow was a difficulty due to the fact that the source of light, a flashlight, was not big enough to create the differences in the light. The direct lighting and the silhouettes were hard to achieve because of the lack of objects; not having a lot to work with, I resorted to what I had, a rubber duck, a broken clothespin and some nails I later put in a glasses case to create the allusion of a silhouettes, and some staples. This project helped me see the impact the correct lighting can create and the way it effects such simple objects.