Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The following portraits portray the 'quirky' personality that I believe I have. Though they are not perfect, much like me they all have things that can be fixed, blended a little better. I like this project because it's an interesting way to be able to express yourself. Many of these photos are random taken in the oddest places I could think of, the garage, under the dining room table, and the kitchen. Through these edited pictures you get to see a little of me!

Black & White 


Multiple Exposer



some more of my trails with the portraits of my sister:

Portraits of my sister

Who: Yasmeen, my older sister
Where: At Out of This World Pizza
When: 10/26/11
Why: I choose my sister because she is someone i spend a lot of time with, her personality is unique, as well as her sense of humor. I picked her picture because i though they would uniquely be portrayed in all these different types of processes.


Cross Process:




Black & White

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i think beauty in photography is the power to convey a powerful message through the simple use of lights, contrasts, and subjects.The characteristics of beauty in photos are lights, and tone. the tone of the photo and edits tend to create a mood that helps convey to the viewer. For example, when Mr. Hohman showed us the pictures of feces his students took, i realized that anything can become transformed into a beauty if viewed in the right way.